Sunday, June 3, 2012

week 8

       I am interested in watching a famous motivational movie in this week. The name of this movie is The Pursuit of Happyness. Will Smith plays an important role in this movie whose name is Chris Gardner.  Chris Gardner invests his family's savings in portable bone-density scanners which he tries to demonstrate and sell to doctors. The investment proves to be a white elephant, which financially breaks the family and as a result, his wife Linda leaves him and moves to New York. Their son Christopher would like to live with his father. While he tries to sell one of his goods, Chris meets a manager for Dean Witter and impresses him by solving a good during a short cab ride. This new relationship with the Dean Witter manager earns him the chance to become an intern stock blocker. His life changes a lot because of his hard working.
       I strongly recommend this movie to you. There are many sentences in this movie impress me a lot. For example, Chris Gardner tells to his son that you got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.  Another sentence also give me a deep impression: You want something. Go get it. By the time I see this sentence; I have already felt my failure. I don’t work hard to achieve my goal and I always give up working hard at the end. I hope you can enjoy yourself in watching this movie..

Week 7

        I watch a horrific movie and the name of the movie is orphan. A friend of my recommend this movie to me. She tells me that this movie is excellent. This movie is about a couple who want to adopt a child in their family. In the orphanage, they both want to adopt a lovely girl Athy and they hope Athy can be a member of their family.However, because of the coming of Athy. there are many strange things happen in their family. Kate, the mother of this family wants to find out the truth. Finally, she finds the real identity of the lovely girl. She is a...
   I also recommend this movie to you. But if you are afraid of watching the horrific movie. You'd better do not watch it. The plot of this movie is suspenseful and you can make a lot of guess when you watch this movie.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Yushen's listening log 6

   I prefer to introduce a famous film which is called Kung Fu Panda 2 to my dear classmates. It is a cartoon movie and the main actor is a panda whose name is Master bao. He is very lazy, but he can save the world. Lord Shen is a evil leader and he wants to rule the others all over the world. Therefore, Master bao begins his journey with his friends and he starts to find his real lot. Finally, he defeats the evil Shen and he finds his real lot successfully. At the end of the movie, he realizes that the kinship is the most important thing in the world.
   I enjoy this movie a lot. The action in the movie attract me a lot and the inspiration of Bao teaches me a lot. No matter you are rich or poor and no matter you are a hero or not. The kinship is the most important emotion of the world.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Yushen's listening log 5

  Last week, my friend recommended a movie which was called The Shawshank Redemption and it was a famous movie at that time. This movie is about a story which is happened on Andy who is the main actor of this movie. He finds that his wife has an affair with the others. He drinks too much wine and wants to kill his wife, finally he decides to give up. However, his wife and the lover of his wife are both killed by someone. Therefore, the police believe that Andy is the murder and Andy is sent to the prison. In the prison he meets some prisoners and makes friends with them. He is very useful to most people in the prison because of his financial mind and the governor utilizes Andy to help him to launder money. Finally, he escapes from that prison and has a new identity to enjoy his remaining years.
  In the movie, there are many words and phrases can educate people a lot. such as, Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies! This sentence tells me that whatever your situation is, you should be hopeful for something and you have to catch a dream. Therefore, you can still treat yourself as alive. Another sentence is that I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying. Form this sentence, I realize that I can not lose myself in waiting for the death and I should do something to fill up with my life.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Yushen's listening log 4

  I watch another movie which is called Inception this weekend and I strongly recommend this movie to my classmates. Leonardo DiCaprio plays an important part in this movie and his position is The Extractor. This movie is very exciting and the story line of this movie is very unconstrained fluctuation. The identity of Leonardo is The Extractor and his job is stealing the information form the dream of the others. However, he can not go back to his hometown to enjoy the life with his children because of his behavior. He is sued and the reason is murder. He has a chance to go back to his home town if he can steal a information from a business man. He decides to have a try and he begins to find his partners to help him finish this task.
  The reason why I strongly recommend this movie to my classmates is that the plot of this story is very attractive and unconstrained. After watching this movie, I ask myself whether the inception is true or not. I lose myself in watching this movie. This movie needs imagination and if you want to understand the movie, you would better to watch this movie more than twice. This movie has many famous dialogues. For example:Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream ,do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on. This dialogue shock me a lot and I learn a lot from this movie.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yushen's listening log 3

  I have watched another movie which is called Knowing in this week. First of all, I prefer to introduce the information of this movie. This movie is a kind of disaster film, it is about the end of the world. The protagonist is acted by Nicolas Cage who is a famous actor.He went to the graduation ceremony of his son. His son got a present of a letter which was written by another girl in this school in the past 50 years. With the researching of this letter, he found the result of the letter, and he realized that the end of the world would come soon.
  I strongly recommend this movie to my classmates. The reason why I like this movie very mush is that the the story of this movie attract me a lot and the action of Nicolas Cage is another reason which attracts me a lot. I interested in the disaster film a lot, I hope to know the result of that day and the reason why that day come truth. For this movie, I know the scene of the end of the world. The scene in the movie shocks me a lot, so I prefer to introduce this movie to you.

the site of this movie:

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Yushen's listening log 2

  In this week, I have already watched another English movie which is called Ratatouille, such a funny cartoon. The story of this movie is about cooking. A small mouse loses himself in cooking and he would like to go to the human being's house to watch TV show which is about cooking. By a such sudden chance, he goes in to a French restaurant to live and he helps a bullied guy to finish cooking. From that day, everything changes. That guy does a such great job with his help and they become friend in the process of cooking. They get into trouble for the reason that people are fed up with dirty things in the restaurant. Therefore, any mice or the other dirty things should be clear away. Finally, they solve the problem successfully. Both of them achieve their goal and finish their dream. The reason why I like this movie is that the story attracts me a lot and the main actor is a mouse. Moreover, there are some dialogue are also attracted me a lot, such as "great cooking is not for the faint of heart","you must try things that may not work"and" and you must not let anyone define you limits because of where you come form.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Yushen's listening log 1

  I watched a movie which was called get smart 2 in the last week.The leading actor is Steve Carell who is famous for acting comedy film. The story is about the fight between two organizations. One of them is U.S. intelligence organization, the other one is terroristical organization. The leading actor is a member of the US intelligence organization and he is good at calculating and memory. His organization is attacked by the terroristical organization, the information of most secret services are let out. As a consequence, the leader of the organization has to issue a task to him to do a research about that organization.His partner is a beautiful agent.The story between them in the task is beginning, and during the task the relationship between them has changed a lot.
 I recommend this movie to everybody, the reason why I hold this idea is that this movie is very funny and has many tussle parts. The main drama attracts me a lot. The action of actor is pretty good and the story of this movie is so vivid. Therefore, I strongly recommend my friends to watch this movie.