Monday, May 28, 2012

Yushen's listening log 6

   I prefer to introduce a famous film which is called Kung Fu Panda 2 to my dear classmates. It is a cartoon movie and the main actor is a panda whose name is Master bao. He is very lazy, but he can save the world. Lord Shen is a evil leader and he wants to rule the others all over the world. Therefore, Master bao begins his journey with his friends and he starts to find his real lot. Finally, he defeats the evil Shen and he finds his real lot successfully. At the end of the movie, he realizes that the kinship is the most important thing in the world.
   I enjoy this movie a lot. The action in the movie attract me a lot and the inspiration of Bao teaches me a lot. No matter you are rich or poor and no matter you are a hero or not. The kinship is the most important emotion of the world.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Yushen's listening log 5

  Last week, my friend recommended a movie which was called The Shawshank Redemption and it was a famous movie at that time. This movie is about a story which is happened on Andy who is the main actor of this movie. He finds that his wife has an affair with the others. He drinks too much wine and wants to kill his wife, finally he decides to give up. However, his wife and the lover of his wife are both killed by someone. Therefore, the police believe that Andy is the murder and Andy is sent to the prison. In the prison he meets some prisoners and makes friends with them. He is very useful to most people in the prison because of his financial mind and the governor utilizes Andy to help him to launder money. Finally, he escapes from that prison and has a new identity to enjoy his remaining years.
  In the movie, there are many words and phrases can educate people a lot. such as, Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies! This sentence tells me that whatever your situation is, you should be hopeful for something and you have to catch a dream. Therefore, you can still treat yourself as alive. Another sentence is that I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying. Form this sentence, I realize that I can not lose myself in waiting for the death and I should do something to fill up with my life.